Thursday, May 25, 2006

The 2 Air Forces

The Air Force is not exactly what I expected it to be. Before I joined, many people told me what they thought or heard about the Air Force. Some said it would be easy. Some said it would be undicsiplined. Some said it was where all the smart people go.

I have discovered that none of those statements are 100% true. In some ways, we are very dicsiplined. Sometimes, life is far from easy. The military is a cross-section of society, so every type of personality is here. There are some extremely bright, motivated, and incredible people I serve with. But there are also some that represent the worst aspects of America. There are dumb people, ignorant people, fat people, arrogant people, lazy people, sexists, racists, biggots, and flat-out idiots.

When I realized this, I recognized that my previous image of the military was not accurate. We are not necessarily the cream of the crop, or the the best America has to offer. To me it seems that there are 2 distinct different Air Forces. It is up to the individual to decide which Air Force they belong to.

They say the more effort you put in to something, the more you'll get out of it. Nowhere is that more applicable than in the Air Force. The Air Force is totally what you make of it. If you want it to make the most out of your life, the Air Force will give you the path to do just that. If you want to be challenged, you will be. If you want to have opportunities that no other employer could match, if you want to become a well-rounded, educated, well-traveled individual with years of life experiences that few others could imagine; then the Air Force, or any other branch of the military is the place for you.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a hand-holder, someone watching over your shoulder to make sure you don't screw up too bad, a crutch to lean on so you don't have to do any real work, or a job that pays you to do the bear minimum to get by; then you too can also be a member of the US Military.

I hate the fact that it's like that but it is.

A good friend of mine who I was stationed with in Korea (yeah I'm talking about you Ernst!) said something that I'll never forget. He said if you want to have a successfull career in the Air Force, all you have to do is have a good uniform, shiny boots, and show up on time.

He was right. CJ was not one of those people who did that, but he was smart enough to see the reality.

I like to think I'm in the first group. As cheesy as it sounds, I actually have pride in my Air Force. I want us to be the best of the best.

Some of the things we do that are routine to us, would make you proud to be an American. We can accomplish things that most other countries wouldn't even try. We can overcome immense obstacles while being undermanned, underfunded, and unappreciated. We might bitch about it when its happening, but then brag about it later.

I think things are too lenient in the Air Force sometimes. I think people get away with too much. And I have found many others that feel the same as I do. So have faith America! We will do everything in our power to push the slackers out!!!

After a rough week at work, I had to vent a little. And this is probably as close as I'll ever get to bitching about my job. Thanks for listening!


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Great Googely Moogely said...

I salute you fine sir. well done. well. freaking. done.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger anywherebutTX said...

I would probably be one of those slackers... That's why I sell Real Estate, because I don't want to have to do "real work". And as Mama says, "well done!".....

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy did you hit the nail on the head with this one. And you know what's worse - the people like us, who have chosen to be succesful, who go that extra step? When we do get recognized, we're ass kissers.

Thanks for the Italy pics, they were GORGEOUS!!!


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