Friday, March 03, 2006

Carnevale in Italy!

You've probably all heard about Carnevale celebrations. Its celebratied all over Italy and all over the world, including the US where it goes by the name Mardi Gras.

Well, this year Susan and I were able to check out a couple places here in Italy that are famous for their Carnevale celebrations, Venice and Viareggio. Venice is only a 45 minute train ride from our house so we got plenty of pictures from there.

But the town of Viareggio was a little different. It is a small coastal town just north of Pisa. The town is famous all over Italy for its parades of giant paper mache floats.

The themes of the parades are always sarcastic or satirical. So there are mockeries of politicians, big business, capitalism, politicians, and of course this year, there was plenty of George W. Bush hating. These floats were truly amazing - huge, mechanical, and immaculately designed.

But it was all in good fun, and we had a great time down there. Here are photo albums of both places. Enjoy...

  • Venice Carnevale

  • Viareggio Carnevale

    At 1:34 PM, Blogger anywherebutTX said...

    Well.... I suppose that Venice beats New Orleans hands down???

    At 1:43 PM, Blogger MrCatalyst said...

    Actually, New Orleans beats Venice easy as far as partying goes. Venice was real mellow.

    Viareggio on the other hand, now that was a party! But still only almost as good as New Orleans.

    At 1:19 PM, Blogger Great Googely Moogely said...

    NO MORE CLOWNS OR MASQUERADE MASKS...........I'm going to have nightmares for weeks now. go break another arm and blog about that.


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