Saturday, January 14, 2006

Croatian Vacation - 4th of July, 2005

Yes, we went to Croatia for the 4th of July last year. And no, Croatia is not a war torn country!

I think this trip was one of the coolest things we did last year. The Croatian people were so cool and loved talking to us Americans - not snobby like some Italians! The bars were open late, the beer was good, and stuff was cheap.

Here are some pictures - enjoy!

  • Croatian Vacation

    At 11:19 AM, Blogger anywherebutTX said...

    Great... Thanks to you I now have another place that I have to visit. The list keeps getting longer and longer! Croatia looks awesome!

    At 12:38 PM, Blogger MrCatalyst said...

    Yeah! Croatia is one of the best kept secrets in Europe!


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