Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another week in the Air Force

Well, the week is about to start. Looks like it'll be a busy one. Lots of training I need to get done, along with school, and studying for my promotion exam. A couple weeks ago I renewed my M-16 rifle qualification, and this coming week I have to renew my Chem gear qualification. Yeah, not nearly as much fun as shooting the rifle.

If you've never worn a gas mask before, imagine having a rubber seal around your face and every breath you take only has about half the oxygen as normal air. If you have an itch on your nose, you can't scratch it. If you need to sneeze, try not to get snot on the inside of your mask. If you get hungry, you can't eat. The only way to drink is if you have your water valve cleaned and working.

So if you think you're having a bad week, just be glad you don't have to wear a gas mask at work.


At 12:31 PM, Blogger anywherebutTX said...

It's so hard to picture "sweet Tony" shooting an m16 and wearing a gas mask.....

Do you have to say that little speil about "i am nothing without my rifle. my rifle is nothing without me...."??? Or is that only in the movies?

At 10:05 AM, Blogger MrCatalyst said...

Gee thanks TX,. I feel very manly now And no, we're not THAT brainwashed in the Air Force!


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